Glossary Terms Category: A


We’re not talking about kings when we use the term abdicator at PubWise. We’re talking about one of the three monetization approaches we see in digital publishing. An abdicator typically lets machines do it all (machine learning, AI). If the goal is maximizing profit, a publisher might conclude that this low-cost approach could pay off, …

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Ad Exchange

An Ad Exchange is a technology platform that conducts auctions between publishers selling ads and advertisers looking to buy digital ads (display, native, video, mobile and in-app). These auctions are driven by real-time bidding via oRTB and similar technologies. They allow advertisers to bid on ad space in real-time, through a process known as real-time …

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Ad Impressions

The number of times an ad has been served, regardless of whether the user has actually seen or interacted with the ad in any way.

Ad Inventory

Website publishers serve ads to visitors when they visit a web page. The number of potential ads that can be served is considered their ad inventory.

Ad Targeting

Delivering ads to a pre-selected audience based on various attributes, such as geography, demographics, psychographics, web browsing behavior and past purchases.

Ad Unit

A size-and-format specification for an ad. The Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association promoting digital ad standards and best practices, and guidelines like the Advertising Creative Guidelines. In essence, ad units are the individual ad spaces on a website or mobile app where ads are displayed. They come in different sizes and formats, such as …

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A person or entity looking to buy ad inventory from publishers. Also known as: “buy side” or “demand side.”

Advertising Logistics

Advertising Logistics is the organization, management and reporting of impression delivery and transaction data in a manner that is observable and can be optimized from source to consumption by supply and demand stakeholders throughout the digital advertising supply chain.


Also known as Google AdX and now Google Ad Manager. The naming has gotten complicated, but the plain language way to describe AdX is that it’s Google’s CPM based DSP. AdX offers options like Dynamic Allocation in Google Ad Manager and is how Open Bidding (formerly EBDA) is activated. PubWise is an Google MCM Channel …

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AMP (Accelerate Mobile Pages)

An approach to mobile focused delivery championed by Google that focused on improving load times and predictable rendering. Google largely used its market weight to test out the approach and it has sense been folded into other more traditional approaches. AMP is still used by many publishers but has been coitized for creating capture into …

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